Current Time in United States, Washington, D.C.

00:00 AM
(UTC −05:00)
Time in Washington, D.C., United States
00:00 AMBaker Island and Howland Island (UTC −12:00)
00:00 AMAmerican Samoa (UTC −11:00)
00:00 AMHawaii (UTC −10:00)
00:00 AMAlaska (most) (UTC −09:00)
00:00 AMUS (PST) (UTC −08:00)
00:00 AMUS (MST) (UTC −07:00)
00:00 AMUS (CST) (UTC −06:00)
00:00 AMUS (EST) (UTC −05:00)
00:00 AMPuerto Rico (UTC −04:00)
00:00 AMGuam and the Northern Mariana Islands (UTC +10:00)
00:00 AMWake Island (UTC +12:00)
Washington, D.C. (UTC −05:00)

United States (US, USA)

Capital: Washington, D.C.

Dialling code: +1

United States of America flag
Complete nameUnited States of America
ContinentNorth America
RegionNorthern America
Daylight Saving Time (DST)Observed
GDP (PPP)$80,412
Elevation760 m (2,493 ft)




DST Next Change


Clock will loose an hour on Sun Nov 03 2024

DST Previous Change


Clock gained an hour on Sun Mar 03 2024

Time Difference

time difference

You are 0 hours ahead of United States

Timezones in United States

UTC OffsetTimezone
UTC −12:00Baker Island and Howland Island
UTC −11:00American Samoa, Jarvis Island, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll and Palmyra Atoll
UTC −10:00Hawaii, most of the Aleutian Islands, and Johnston Atoll
UTC −09:00Alaska (most)
UTC −08:00US (PST)
UTC −07:00US (MST)
UTC −06:00US (CST)
UTC −05:00US (EST)
UTC −04:00Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands
UTC +10:00Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands
UTC +12:00Wake Island

Current Local Time in United States

1Alabama flag Alabama (AL)MontgomeryCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
Eastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
2Alaska flag Alaska (AK)JuneauAlaska Time Zone (AKT) (UTC -9:00)
Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (HAST) (UTC -10:00)
3Arizona flag Arizona (AZ)PhoenixMountain Standard Time Zone (MST) (UTC -7:00)
4Arkansas flag Arkansas (AR)Little RockCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
5California flag California (CA)SacramentoPacific Time Zone (PT) (UTC -8:00)
6Colorado flag Colorado (CO)DenverMountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
7Connecticut flag Connecticut (CT)HartfordEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
8Delaware flag Delaware (DE)DoverEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
9Florida flag Florida (FL)TallahasseeEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
Central Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
10Georgia flag Georgia (GA)AtlantaEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
11Hawaii flag Hawaii (HI)HonoluluHawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (HAST) (UTC -10:00)
12Idaho flag Idaho (ID)BoiseMountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
Pacific Time Zone (PT) (UTC -8:00)
13Illinois flag Illinois (IL)SpringfieldCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
14Indiana flag Indiana (IN)IndianapolisEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
Central Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
15Iowa flag Iowa (IA)Des MoinesCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
16Kansas flag Kansas (KS)TopekaCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
Mountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
17Kentucky flag Kentucky (KY)FrankfortEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
Central Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
18Louisiana flag Louisiana (LA)Baton RougeCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
19Maine flag Maine (ME)AugustaEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
20Maryland flag Maryland (MD)AnnapolisEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
21Massachusetts flag Massachusetts (MA)BostonEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
22Michigan flag Michigan (MI)LansingEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
Central Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
23Minnesota flag Minnesota (MN)Saint PaulCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
24Mississippi flag Mississippi (MS)JacksonCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
25Missouri flag Missouri (MO)Jefferson CityCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
26Montana flag Montana (MT)HelenaMountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
27Nebraska flag Nebraska (NE)LincolnCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
Mountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
28Nevada flag Nevada (NV)Carson CityPacific Time Zone (PT) (UTC -8:00)
29New Hampshire flag New Hampshire (NH)ConcordEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
30New Jersey flag New Jersey (NJ)TrentonEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
31New Mexico flag New Mexico (NM)Santa FeMountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
32New York flag New York (NY)AlbanyEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
33North Carolina flag North Carolina (NC)RaleighEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
34North Dakota flag North Dakota (ND)BismarckCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
Mountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
35Ohio flag Ohio (OH)ColumbusEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
36Oklahoma flag Oklahoma (OK)Oklahoma CityCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
37Oregon flag Oregon (OR)SalemPacific Time Zone (PT) (UTC -8:00)
38Pennsylvania flag Pennsylvania (PA)HarrisburgEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
39Rhode Island flag Rhode Island (RI)ProvidenceEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
40South Carolina flag South Carolina (SC)ColumbiaEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
41South Dakota flag South Dakota (SD)PierreCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
Mountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
42Tennessee flag Tennessee (TN)NashvilleCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
Eastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
43Texas flag Texas (TX)AustinCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
Mountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
44Utah flag Utah (UT)Salt Lake CityMountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)
45Vermont flag Vermont (VT)MontpelierEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
46Virginia flag Virginia (VA)RichmondEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
47Washington flag Washington (WA)OlympiaPacific Time Zone (PT) (UTC -8:00)
48West Virginia flag West Virginia (WV)CharlestonEastern Time Zone (ET) (UTC -5:00)
49Wisconsin flag Wisconsin (WI)MadisonCentral Time Zone (CT) (UTC -6:00)
50Wyoming flag Wyoming (WY)CheyenneMountain Time Zone (MT) (UTC -7:00)

Weather in United States

Fetching data...

Temperature: 0°C

Feels like: 0°C

UV: 0

Condition: ClearClear

Wind Speed: 0

Humidity: 0

Day/Night: Day